You are here: Open Houses and Caravans > Does my MLS use caravans or broker tours?

Does my MLS use caravans or broker tours?

You may have access to either caravans or broker tours, depending on your MLS's setup. These features may alternately be called "MLS tours," "RealtorĀ® tours," or another label of your MLS's choosing.

To determine which feature is used by your MLS - If Caravans (or an alternate name for this feature) is displayed in the Listings menu, your MLS uses caravans. If Broker Tours (or an alternate name for this feature) displays, your MLS uses broker tours. If neither feature displays, your MLS may not use either caravans or broker tours. It is also possible that you do not have the required access rights. If both features display then your MLS uses both caravans and broker tours.

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